Ate spent the night. She wanted to stay over because she lives near Savannah and didn't want to have to wake up around 4 AM to drive and pick up Quynh. I felt very uncomfortable about the thought of her staying all week. I've been dreading it, but WWJD? So I told her it was okay.
The visit turned out okay on my part. We ate mother's dinner and chilled in my room until we fell asleep.
I think she had a hard time sleeping because Sugar was making a lot of noise. Also, Buddy slept here a little. I brought him up, but I didn't expect him to fall asleep. Eventually I had to get rid of the both of them.
I was going to go to Athens with he, but today is Kevin's birfday. Boo and Ate told me that I should stay. I think this is what Jesus would do. I really wanted to go to Athens and see boo. I know he is going downtown tonight and I thought it'd be cute to go together. Maybe he wants to party alone.
I've been feeling super attached to him. Maybe it's the separation (the break), but I don't like acting this way. I don't think he likes me acting this way. )': Good thing break is about to be over; I need stop. Aish! The disadvantages of love: when you're perceived as clingy, but it's because you miss them.
-asdfjklove J