Saturday, November 17, 2012

Buckhead Saloon

Last night…
There was an XK Emory probate. Unfortunately, boo and I got there too late and it was already ending. The probate went by super fast though because it started at 6:30 and only lasted for 30 minutes. Sisters came down from Athens and missed it too. ): Everybody was really disappointed.
Afterwards, I parted ways with boo and had sister dinner at Iron Age with Pixie, Voltage, and Serenity. It was super good and I was really hungry, but goodness! So much money. TT_______TT Then boo came to Iron Age and the sisters went back to Athens.
The night boo and I hung out with Jessica and her friends (Jenny, Cathy, girl). We went to Buckhead Saloon which is a bar in Buckhead. The area was pretty cool. It reminded me of Panama City, FL mixed with Athens. This is my first time going to a bar in Atlanta.
All the guys there were so thirsty! d: I had my boo though, so it didn't matter. He bought me drinks! :D He's never done this before. He got a Miller Lite and an amaretto sour. It was tough trying to take down the beer for some reason. /:
I had a good time though. It was chill and the girls were crazy. Haha! I love having him around. <3

-asdfjklove J